TİKA renovates 3 fishponds for the Orphelinat Ste Augustine in Mehandan
In line with her continuous efforts to improve livelihoods across the national territory, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency @tikayaounde renovated 3 fishponds for the Orphelinat Ste Augustine, in Mehandan village in Yaoundé in order to empower them to become even more self-reliant.
TİKA believes that, in due time, the proceeds from these fishponds which are just a fraction of the 54 to 57 total ponds that are found in Mehandan village will go a long way to renovate and equip the rest of the ponds within the next 3 to 5 years.
As part of this first phase, the orphans and some of the community leaders were trained on how to rehabilite, stock, maintain and compound feed for the fishponds. In the second phase of this project TİKA envisages building a state of the art factory where the community will produce feed and other essentials for the village ponds as combined, they have the potential to supply the fresh and dried fish market of the entire Center Region of Cameroon.